The Call for Entries of the 23rd Annual Spectrum International Competition for Fantastic Art is opening soon and all professional and student artists, art directors, publishers and artist representatives are invited to participate.
All artworks in all mediums embracing the themes of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and the surreal are eligible for entry.
Each accepted entry will be reproduced in full color and given complete credit in a special book dedicated to the 23rd annual Spectrum competition.
Entries are divided into eight (8) major categories, as follows:
- Advertising
- Book
- Comics/Graphic Novels
- Concept Art
- Dimensional
- Editorial
- Institutional
- Unpublished
Entrants whose works are selected for inclusion will be notified in April 2016 by email and accepted entrants will be listed on the official website.
Spectrum 23 Competition Entry Fees
The single entry fee is $20 per work. The series (five or fewer related pieces) entry fee is $40.