Rotary Cartoon Awards is an annual cartoon competition for National & International cartoonists, organized by the Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City. There are no restrictions on the number of entries submitted and entries may be either previously published or unpublished.
The competition is intended to exhibit, promote and conserve black and white art (cartooning) and to ultimately raise funds for Rotary Charities.
The Cartoon of the Year will receive $2,250!
Promoting and Conserving Black and White Art
The Rotary Cartoon Awards competition is recognized by the Federation of Cartoonists Organisations (FECO) as the one of the major cartoon competitions held in Australia annually.
The National Awards (only open to Australian residents) normally have 7 categories:
- Open Theme
- Political Business
- Sport
- Comic Strip
- Caricature
- Special Theme nominated each year
An international theme is also chosen each year. International entries must be captioned in English.
The following awards will be given in 2012:
- The Cartoon of the Year receives $2,250 in addition to the category prize
- The winner of each category or theme receives $750
- Merit awards for each category or theme receives $250
- All winners and merit awards will receive a medalion of recognition
Cartoons from the competition will be exhibited in the Bunker Cartoon Gallery in Coffs Harbour – the only gallery dedicated to cartooning in Australia.