The MajdanArt – Society of Arts, Culture and Tourism is hosting its 7th international exhibition competition – Art in Miniature – and is calling for artworks in several disciplines.
The contest is open to all artists and basically every creator in the field of visual arts, arts and crafts, pupil, student, specialist, designer, hobbyists or creator who has the status of professional artists is invited to participate.
The total pool for all prize amounts to 5,000 Euro. Five (5) awards — one (1) Grand prize and four (4) First prizes — and four (4) Honorable mentions will be announced for this year’s MajdanArt competition.
Entry is open for non-framed two-dimensional artworks no larger than 7,5×10 cm (3×4″) in the following competition categories:
- Painting, drawing, print, mixed media
- Digital art and photography – Photo/Digital аrt
All selected works will be exhibited from 10th September to 5th November, 2016 in the cities of Majdanpek and Belgrade in Serbia.
MajdanArt is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia.
The 2016 contest is co-organized by the Museum of Applied Art, Belgrade and Centre of emigrants and Serbian in the region, Belgrade.
MajdanArt 2016 International Exhibition Participation Fee
The participation fee is 40 Euro/$50 US for two artworks.