Artists are invited to submit creative interpretations of this year’s competition theme of Art Moves – 3rd International Festival of Art on Billboards: „Together or apart?”.
The 10 most outstanding projects will be presented during the Art Moves Billboard Festival in September/October 2010 in Torun, Poland.
The purpose of the competition is to propagate and popularize billboard art and to encourage artists to create art engaged in the reality.
The artists taking part in the competition are invited to prepare an artwork of maximum three pieces in a technique they choose.
The work is intended to be a creative response to this year’s competition theme “Together or apart?” This slogan can serve as a kind of a metaphor of the processes taking place in the contemporary world. Both individuals and the whole societies are faced with such a choice. Do they want to live together, contribute, collaborate and, as a result create shared value, or do they want to lead a separate, individual life of their own?
Is it better to be single or in a stable relationship? Is it better to focus on the common or individual good? Is being a member of a larger organization, like the European Union better than staying apart? Is it better to feel a part of your nation or rather an individual citizen? The possible interpretations are multiple. Or maybe it is possible to combine those two attitudes: take care of your own, personal development while joining forces and working together with others? So, together or apart?
The jury will select 10 most interesting projects which will be printed and displayed on billboards in the city space during the Art Moves Festival in September/October 2010 in Torun, Poland.
The best of the ten selected works will receive the Main Award in the amount of PLN 7000 (about €1750, $2200). The winner will be obliged to pay a lump-sum tax on the award value.
- The competition is open and all artists interested in billboard art are invited to take part, however, the competition is particularly addressed to young artists, who are usually most eager to face new themes and untypical ways of art presentation.
- The format of the submitted work should be 504 cm x 238 cm (198.4 inches x 93.7 inches) in a horizontal layout, 100 dpi, cmyk, tiff.
- If some slogan or phrase is used in the work, it should be expressed in the Polish language in the case of artists from Poland or in the English language in the case of all other participants.
- The artist who makes a submission to the competition, automatically consents to free of charge display of his/her work during the Festival and use of the work for information and promotional purposes associated with the Festival and the competition on the Internet, in printed materials promoting the Festival etc.
How to enter?
In order to take part in the competition, the artist has to send a completed entry form and attach a preview of the submitted work in the following format: 30 cm x 14,1 cm (11,8 inches x 5,5 inches) in a horizontal layout, 72 dpi, jpg. The file should be named with the artist’s first and last name (if more works are submitted, use numbers 1 to 3 in addition to the first and last name).
The works should be submitted by 10 August, 2010 via electronic mail to the address: artmoves [at] (please replace [at] with @).
Do not attach scans of the complete (heavy) works. In order to receive the final works to be printed off and displayed on the billboards, the competition organizers will contact the selected artists after the announcement of the jury’s verdict.