Celebrating its 10th anniversary, the Biennial of the Poster Bolivia BICeBé is calling for submissions for its International Poster Call for 2019.
Students, graphic designers, plastic artists, photographers and graphic producers in general, of any age and nationality, from all over the world are invited to participate by submitting posters printed between April 2017 and March 2019, or with entirely new and unpublished designs.
BICeBé will provide a diploma and a catalogue to the first, second and third awarded positions in all categories. In addition, several special prizes of $15,000 in total, will be awarded.
Posters can be submitted in the following competition categories:
- Published works
- Category A: Cultural posters
- Category B: Social posters
- Category C: Advertising or commercial posters
- Unpublished works
- Category D: Unpublished posters on the topic:
The Era Of Disinformation - Category E: Unpublished animated GIF on the topic:
Women’s Empowerment
- Category D: Unpublished posters on the topic:
Participation is limited to ten (10) posters and two (2) animated GIF.
The Biennial of the Poster Bolivia BICeBé is the most important international event of design and visual arts in Bolivia and the Southern Cone. BICeBé today is referenced integrator of Latin America through responsible design practice.
Since its inception in 2009, it has established the highest standards of national and international design and has created a network, like no other event, with all design schools and universities in Bolivia and Latin America. Each year, reunites great masters and outstanding professionals of the national and international environments, and also recognizes new actors, projects and initiatives in all the areas of design and visual arts.
The BICeBé takes place every two years in the month of November in the city of La Paz, Bolivia and generates itineraries with its design exhibitions to other cities in the country as well as other countries in the world.