On its 50th anniversary in 2014, the 24th Biennial of Design in Ljubljana reinvents itself and launches an ambitious call for applications. This edition of Bienale oblikovanja (BIO) builds on the event’s tradition and history, advancing into an experimental, collaborative territory.
In the lead-up to BIO 50, 12 multidisciplinary teams will engage designers and practitioners from all fields, coming together to tackle a wide range of topics with local and global resonance. The outcomes of this collaborative process by each team will be appraised by an international jury and presented at the Biennial of Design in an exhibition and publication.
This BIO breaks with the traditional system of awards, choosing instead to award collaboration, its process and outcomes. Recognizing the idea that design is a discipline that permeates all layers of contemporary life, BIO launches an unprecedented effort to engage designers and agents from Slovenia and abroad in a collaborative approach that will address themes that affect everyday life.
BIO is looking for team members to devise possible futures for design, integrating and contributing to the outcome of each group, members with diverse backgrounds and a multidisciplinary approach, students and professionals alike; for team members who are self-motivated and unafraid to experiment.
From 18 September to 7 December 2014 in Ljubljana, BIO 50 will present the outcomes of each team’s work in an exhibition, and projects will be published in an accompanying catalogue. An international jury will grant an Award for Best Collaboration, and a compelling series of events will enrich the Biennial’s core program and serve to explore ways in which collaborations can continue beyond the event.
Organized by Museum of Architecture and Design, BIO 50 is curated by Belgian critic and curator Jan Boelen.