In 2012, SIGGRAPH’s Computer Animation Festival celebrates its 39th year as the world’s most innovative exploration of computer-generated animation and visual effects. This four-day, international event is a glimpse into the most talented technical and artistic minds of our industry. It showcases everything from student films to blockbuster visual effects!
Now in its 39th year, the SIGGRAPH conference is expected to draw an estimated 25,000 professionals from five continents to Los Angeles, California.
The Best in Show Award on the SIGGRAPH’s Computer Animation Festival qualifies the winner to be considered for nomination in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Best Animated Short Film category.
SIGGRAPH is Calling for Innovative Computer-Generated Animation and Visual effects
The festival will showcase jury-selected entries alongside invited works in a single program, in the tradition of SIGGRAPH’s original Electronic Theater.
In addition, a few thematic and monographic screenings of both juried and curated material complement the Competition Section. For the third year in a row, selected screenings will be open to the general public in addition to conference and festival attendees.
The festival accepts submissions in 10 distinct categories:
- Computer Animation Shorts
- Music Videos
- TV and Web Commercials
- Visualizations and Simulations
- Student Projects
- Animated Feature Films
- Visual Effects for Short Films and TV Programs
- Visual Effects for Live-Action Feature Films
- Real-Time Animation
- Miscellaneous
Stereo 3D work will be considered and can be entered in any of the above categories.
Please visit the official website for further details.
Be Part of A Premier International Event on Computer Graphics
On the first night of the festival, the Festival Jury will present the Best in Show Award, Jury Award, and Best Student Project Prize.
The Best in Show Award qualifies the winner to be considered for nomination in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Best Animated Short Film category.
An Audience Award will be announced on the last day of the conference.
This is An International Call for Work!
- All films screened in the Computer Animation Festival’s Competition Section are eligible for the Best in Show, Jury, and Audience Awards. Only those works in the Student Projects section are eligible for Best Student Project recognition. Pieces selected for the Invited Section are not eligible for awards.
- Only finished works will be considered for inclusion, and all submissions must be uploaded at final resolution.
SIGGRAPH’s Computer Animation Festival Accepts Submissions Online
Works should be uploaded on the SIGGRAPH official website. Please consider reading all guidelines before submitting your work.