Challenge:Future (C:F), together with Triglav Group, Slovenian insurance-financial group, encourages you to think of 21st Century Disasters. Imagine what kind of disasters we might be facing in the next decades and how to protect, respond or adapt to future circumstances, for example climate change, terrorism, alien attacks, etc. Take action!
Are we prepared for what’s coming? Can we really change something? Of course we can!
Challenge:Future offers you not only a chance to grab one of €2500 Scholarships for C:F Academy and Summit 2012, but also fame and glory for the best ideas to have a speaking opportunity in C:F Summit 2012 in Slovenia.
Create Solutions for Preventing Future Disasters
Floods, earthquakes, bomb attacks, devastating fires, draught, extreme weather, climate change, economic collapses, these are just few of the disasters in the 21st Century. We are living in the time of increasing frequency and severity of various disasters caused by nature, technology or human. How are we going to respond?
- envision and describe potential disaster that we can face in the next 20 years
- create a solution either:
- for disaster prevention,
- disaster preparedness and response,
- adaptation to new circumstances.
Prepare a max 10-slide presentation giving a clear image about a disaster that might happen and a solution related to the prevention, preparedness, response or adaptation to it that could be applicable either for individuals, businesses, communities, countries, regions or for the whole world. Your ideas can derive from existing disasters (tsunami, floods, earthquakes, bomb attacks etc.) or your imagination and vision of the future (e.g. alien attacks ?).
For further details, hop to the official website.
Fully Paid C:F Academy Scholarships for Three Winning Solutions
Top three ideas will be awarded with fully paid scholarships to attend C:F Academy and C:F Summit in March 2012. The estimated amount of each scholarship is 2.500 EUR (covering travel costs from your closest international airport, accommodation, meals and programme.)
Facing 21st Century Challenge is Open to C:F Members
- The Facing 21st Century Disasters challenge is available to all registered members of Challenge:Future between the age of 18 to 30.
- The contest submission has to be the original work of the person who submitted it.
- Re-submission of corrected solution, taking into account community comments and suggestions, is possible until voting starts.
- If you’re not already a member, you can join Challenge:Future for free, by registering on the official website.
Solutions can be Submitted through the Challenge:Future Platform
Submit your solution through the Challenge:Future website. A free registration is required to submit.