La Trentina and invite young designers (under 35) to enter the 3rd A Designer A Day (ADAD) Competition, to investigate what could be the contribution of design in the apple cultivation, processing and consumption process, through the development of new products.
There are no constraints or restrictions on materials, technologies or production processes used, but the products and services presented must be able to be produced (in the form of one-shots / prototypes / small batches) and must be in line with the philosophy conveyed by the world of “La Trentina”.
The winning projects will participate in the ADAD 2014 event to be held during the week of the Fuorisalone at the State University of Milan, in April 2014.
A Designer A Day Competition Objective
Food represents a complex, multi-faceted design issue, increasingly present in the reflections of contemporary designers. It involves not only factors related to nutrition in a strict sense but also to living in the fullest and broadest sense of the term: social, cultural, environmental, geographic and, last but not least, economic factors, taken as a whole, affect lifestyles and behaviours and, consequently, production and consumption choices. Moreover, in recent years, a new awareness among people who “live” their relationship with food in an increasingly critical and conscious manner has developed, resulting in a profound reflection on consolidated food practices and even a total rethink of the entire food production and consumption cycle.
The competition therefore asks young designers to reflect on the “apple universe”, in its broadest sense, taking into account the entire supply chain (from picking to processing to consumption): designers must consider the different phases, subsequently identifying a particular area for their design intervention.
Some of the areas to be considered:
- product cultivation/production tools / utensils / techniques;
- product picking and consignment tools / utensils / techniques;
- product processing and/or transformation tools / utensils / techniques;
- product preservation tools / utensils / techniques;
- product consumption tools / utensils / techniques;
- product transport/sales tools / utensils / techniques;
- waste disposal and/or recycling tools / utensils / techniques;
- food communication/information/education tools / services.