Designpreis Halle eV is inviting designers from all over the world to prepare for the next (2014) edition of their international design competition, titled: Water. The competition is being held every three years and its aim is to bring together economy and design and to sharpen the senses for excellent design, as well as to offer an incentive for young designers to seek competition and to present their works to a wider audience.
The prize money for Designpreis Halle 2014 is a total of 10,000 Euro!
The organizers are looking for designs that examine the topic in an intense and creative manner – be it product-oriented or process-oriented. It may include inventing new services or suggesting innovative applications or user strategies but also designing products that address our treatment of water as a resource or examine the sensual qualities of water as a material.
Designers and students of all design disciplines who have not reached 40 years of age on the closing date for submission are eligible to enter with only one (1) entry per participant or participating team.
All selected competition entries will be presented as part of a final exhibition scheduled for 4-22 June, 2014
Designpreis Halle is being tendered by Designpreis Halle e. V. every three years and is awarded together with the City of Halle, the region‘s economic partners and Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle. Awards are made for design products, ideas and concepts of outstanding quality.