Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival, the leading UK showcase of short film and animation, is now accepting entries for its 19th edition. 2013 will see the festival settling into its new September slot (from 17 – 22) at Bristol’s harbourside and across the city.
Last year 1,889 film submissions were received from 79 countries (notably, 85% of the films were European), confirming the festival’s strong international profile and reputation. 188 short films and animations were selected in competition across the main festival strands Brief Encounters (live action) and Animated Encounters (animation).
Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival Opens 2013 Call for Entries
Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival is the umbrella festival for Animated Encounters and Brief Encounters which together presents one of the world’s best-known showcases and meeting points for new and established international short and animated film talent.
The call for entries is now open, and has two separate deadlines. Films completed in 2012 must be entered by 29 March, whereas 2013 productions have until 3 June.
Films of any genre with a maximum duration of 30 minutes, completed after January 2012, are eligible.
The festival is an important UK gateway for upcoming talent, giving selected filmmakers the chance to qualify for a whole host of major awards nominations – the Academy Awards®, the BAFTAs, the European Film Awards and the Cartoon d’Or.
For full submission guidelines, awards and online submission please visit the official website.
Entry Fee
The cost of submitting a film to the festival for 2013 is €25.