Porto Alegre is recognized worldwide for providing a platform for debates on global public policies and the possibilities for social action. The international student competition will be an opportunity to debate local issues of importance for both Porto Alegre and many other cities in all corners of the world.
The entries of the student competition should propose architectural, urban and landscape projects, aiming at the urban renewal of the area of Morro Santa Tereza, located in the southern part of the city.
The dialogue between undergraduate and post-graduate students from different places with different cultural backgrounds will promote the exchange and generation of knowledge, focusing on urban innovation, enforced by social inclusion, environmental protection and the qualification of public space.
The entries should reflect innovative ideas and the proposals should search for urban renewal of the project area of Morro Santa Tereza.
The dialogue between graduating and post graduating students from different places with different cultural backgrounds will promote the exchange and generation of knowledge related to the competition and to urban innovations worldwide. The challenge faces main issues of development, such as social inclusion, environmental excellence, integrative landscape architecture and urban quality.
The 87 hectares of Morro Santa Tereza area is located in the south of the city, at the fringe of the historic city center. The site for the International Student Competition was suggested by the Porto Alegre Municipality. The proposed area of intervention has great potential for changes in the now derelict urban environment, focusing on social relations and environmental sustainability.
Currently, it is occupied by a diversity of functions and building types, including media headquarters, social institutions of unattended children & pensioners, and a football sport complex.
It is an urban area of constant social tension, including a residential neighbourhood with mixed housing segments, from upper class to low-income housing and favelas, with and without land regularization.
The vicinity of Lake Guaíba portrays the area, so as its hilly landscape, providing views to and from the city that are very characteristic and important for Porto Alegre, The area presents as a strategic point for innovative proposals addressing different urban dimensions at street, neighbourhood and city level.
A selection of finalists will be chosen from among all the projects submitted, from which the International Jury will determine the three prize winners.
- 1st Prize: 3000 Euros
- 2nd Prize: 2000 Euros
- 3rd Prize: 1000 Euros
The 54th IFHP World Congress 2010 Porto Alegre will offer to one member from each winning team 1 (one) round trip ticket and lodging from 13-17 November, 2010 – in order to participate in the Congress.
All finalists and winners will be part of the International Student Competition Exhibition of Works, to be held during the 54th IFHP World Congress 2010 Porto Alegre.
- The competition is open for graduate and post graduate students. If you enter as a team, then it is recommended that the team includes one or more Latin American participants.
- The work should be submitted in PDF format.
How to enter?
Download the entry form from the official website. This form should be signed by all team members and sent by digital means to: congresso2010.ifhp@pucrs.br.
This term should be sent together with the submitted project, proof of student status of each author and a copy of the payment.
Entry fee
50 euros per team