Theme of the second international exhibition of miniature art MINIMUM MAXIMUM is religion (religion as a view on the world, as a view on sacred, as an attitude, as an understanding of the creator, as a nonsense, as a view on the other world, as a choice, as a source of strength/weakness, as culture, as ritual, as a source of psychological need for security, as justification, as behavior, as a system, as an ideology, as something personal, something universal, as none of the above…)
Every artist who has a desire and need to address any aspect of this broad theme is invited.
The official theme of the exhibition is a religion, and official languages are Serbian, English, Hebrew, Old Church Slavonic, Latin, Arabic.
Artists have complete freedom to treat the given theme and selection of the works will be done solely by their visual and artistic values and not in any case by their ideological values.
Allowed techniques:
- painting
- graphic
- drawing
- combined technique
- sculpture
- 600 KM (€300)
- 400 KM (€200)
- 200 KM (€100)
- Maximal dimensions of the works are 10 x 10 cm, and for sculptures 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm.
- The number of works that an artist wants to send is not limited.
- Received works will not be returned and they will remain in the holdings of the international exhibition of miniatures MINIMUM MAXIMUM, under the supervision of the Association of anonymous artists UAA! Banja Luka.
II International Exhibition of Miniature Art Complete Rules
How to enter?
Works are to be sent by mail, without a frame, in an envelope, with a filled application form, which can be downloaded from the official website.
Send your works to the following address:
For exhibition MIMINUM MAXIMUMPostal box number 33