LUMA-iD has released its call for entries to the LUMA Blueprint 2018 invention competition, for product ideas of any nature.
LUMA Blueprint is open for entries by anyone with an idea that will make people’s lives better with few limitations beyond that. Anyone can enter, so long as it is a useful innovation and hasn’t been done before.
The prize totals £2,000 of product development, including £1,000 of industrial design time from LUMA-iD. Winners will also get £500 worth of 3D printed prototypes. Other prizes are available as well.
The brief is to come up with a product idea that makes life easier and helps a specific group of people. The most important requirement is that your product must improve the lives of those who use it.
The competition is open to everyone, including students and businesses. Entrants are welcome to submit more than one idea.
Products that are already on the market will be disqualified, however designs which you have already started will still be accepted.