Mixamo, a company that provides innovative online 3D character animation services, is organizing a character modeling contest. The challenge is to create a humanoid 3D character with a maximum poly count of 12,000 triangles.
The 3D character must be your original work and mustn’t be purchased or stolen.
There are cash prizes to be won, as well as some other goodies such as Mixamo credits. The first place winner will also be featured on Mixamo website and Mixamo advertisements around the web.
Model a 3D character from scratch or download one of the base meshes here.
Please consider the following requirements:
- Characters must have 2 arms and 2 legs
- Poly count must not exceed 12,000 triangles
- Character must have a color map (Normal & Spec maps encouraged)
- 1st Place
- $1000 cash
- 50 Mixamo Credits
- Professionally Generated Rendering of Your Character
- 2nd Place
- $500 cash
- 30 Mixamo Credits
- 3rd Place
- $300 cash
- 15 Mixamo Credits
- All Finalists
- 1 FREE Auto-Rig
Additional prizes will be provided by Mixamo partner design3.
- By submitting a character model to the Mixamo Character Contest you agree that you did all the hard work and didn’t buy it online or steal it.
- Submitting a model purchased from a re-seller’s site and or a copyrighted character is in direct violation of the rules and probably some laws. Doing so will get you disqualified, bigtime.
- You also agree that if you win first prize, you grant us full permission to feature your model in either video or image format for any use we see fit, mainly advertising, with proper credit given to you in all images and videos.
How to enter?
E-mail your entry to contest [at] mixamo.com (please replace [at] with @) as a zipped folder containing an fbx or obj of your character and as well as all maps.