The 12th Netherlands Production Platform 2010 will take place from Thursday September 23 till Sunday September 27 during the 30th edition of the Netherlands Film Festival.
The Netherlands Production Platform presents a maximum of 25 Dutch and European new film projects to a selected group of European and Dutch industry professionals with the aim to encourage co-production and/or collaboration between the Netherlands and other countries. The participating international and Dutch professionals cover the areas of production, sales, financing, distribution and funding.
If you have a project suitable for co-production or co-financing you are invited to send in your application.
Essential elements in the presentation sessions are assessment of each story, international appeal and market potential. The 4-day event, which includes public presentations and individual meetings, also offers ample opportunity to get acquainted with the Dutch film industry and its players.
In case of selection the director/writer and producer will be invited with a maximum of 2 persons per project. The invitation includes 3 nights hotel, travel expenses (economy class) and access to all festival events.
- Only films suitable for co-production and with a minimum duration of 90 minutes are considered; Local financial support must be in place;
- Only completed forms will be taken into consideration;
- Once a project has been selected, a maximum of 2 representatives should be present during the 4 days of the Platform;
- The Holland Film Meeting requires the Netherlands Production Platform logo to be included in the credits of the finalized film. The NPP logo shall be send upon request;
- Feature length animation and/or documentary projects can be submitted as well;
- The project selection will be announced end of August 2010, following the assessment of a jury of industry experts.
How to enter?
You are invited to send your applications on the official website.
You’ll have to register so that you are able to log-in to the system. If you’re already registered, log-in and submit your application.