For the first time, Quarelli Art Park presents the 2016 Quarelli Art Prize sculpture exhibition competition and invites all artists younger than 45 to participate.
Submitted works will have to be open-air sculptures or installations of medium/big dimensions and harmonize with the theme of the exhibit and must portray the human being, who may be represented realistically or not, stylized or detailed, on or off scale.
The Prize will offer 10/15 artists the chance to be selected and to have their work featured inside the collective themed exhibition called “Transitory People” — scheduled for 11th June, through September 2016 in the Quarelli Art Park in Roccaverano, in the Langhe-Roero Monferrato (Piemonte) — UNESCO’s world heritage in North Italy. At the end of the exhibit the winning work of the competition will be selected, announced and will become part of the collection of the Quarelli Art Prize — the artist will receive a flat-rate refund of 8,000 Euro gross.
Artists who live quite far from the exhibit place and would like to participate in the competition will have the chance of enjoying an artist residency, where they will be able to prepare their work in the month of May 2016.
Submitted works may be individual or group and composed of a single element or of more elements.