SOS — School of Sustainability and MC A — Mario Cucinella Architects present a Call for Ideas to mark the Sustainable Thinking Evolution Day.
The objective is to involve young brilliant to try to giving innovative answers to the future challenges (Water, Urban species, Plastic, Digital Technologies).
The winners will see their concepts exhibited in Florence and there is a full scholarship for SOS7 (2020-2021) up for grabs.
The Wall is a site-specific exhibition created by Sergio Risaliti, director of Museo Novecento, format that proposes the synthesis and visual processing typical of the infographic developed along a 12-metre wall. The Wall: Sustainable Thinking Evolution, curated by MC A and SOS, focuses on the theme of sustainability and is part of the Sustainable Thinking event organized by the Ferragamo Museum and the Ferragamo Foundation to focus on the increasingly topical issues of sustainability in the most diverse forms: from the environment to the urban landscape, from reuse to innovation and technological experimentation.
SOS Call for Ideas is reserved for young professionals (under 30), recent graduates and graduating students (to be graduated by 30 July 2020), of all disciplines. The objective is to involve young brilliant to try to giving innovative answers to the future challenges. The Call will allow participants to introduce their ideas to companies that are “leaders in the sustainability sector” and that will join the event together with Mario Cucinella, the director of the “Museo Novecento” Sergio Risaliti and the director of SOS Massimo Imparato.
In a first phase, choosing between four themes: “Water is the new oil”, “Humanity as an urban species”, “After plastic, what?”, “Impact of digital technologies on public space”, the candidates are invited to formulate possible solutions, compulsorily unpublished, without limits in terms of approach and scale, from wide-ranging strategies to innovative ideas even if circumscribed. Following a selection of the works, on 16th October 2019, Finalists will be invited to present their proposal during the Sustainable Thinking Evolution Day, Powered by PechaKucha of November the 6th, 2019, which will take place at the Museo Novecento in Florence.
The winners of the 4 Topics and the Winner of the PechaKucha will see their concepts included in the third evolution of The Wall: Sustainable Thinking Evolution, on display at the “Museo Novecento” in Florence from 20th November 2019 to 27th January 2020. Up for grabs for the Winner of the Sustainable Thinking Evolution Day, Powered by PechaKucha a full scholarship for SOS7 (academic year 2020/2021). For the 2nd and 3rd classified, an internship at one of the “sustainability companies” involved is foreseen.