The Ed Bacon Foundation and The Philadelphia Center for Architecture announce the 5th Annual Ed Bacon Student Competition. “Designing the Fair of the Future” is an urban design challenge to imagine an international exposition in Philadelphia to celebrate America’s 250th birthday.
The 5th Annual Ed Bacon Student Competition is a design competition open to college and university level students internationally.
Competition entries may be the work of an individual or team.
Philadelphia has a long tradition of hosting national and international expositions to celebrate America’s birthday. The year 2026 will mark the nation’s 250th. What will this type of celebration look like in the 21st century, and how will it impact our urban landscape?
What is the purpose and message of a celebration in 2026? What does it represent? All teams must provide a Mission Statement of 100 words or less, describing the big-picture meaning of their entry – what it hopes to achieve.
Required Drawings & Materials
- 100-word Mission Statement.
- Site Plan showing the area of focus and its connectivity to surrounding areas.
- Detailed plans and drawings of specific elements of design solution.
- Perspective vignettes and/or photo renderings as needed to fully establish and communicate the design concepts.
- Text is optional, and may be used to enhance the design idea.
- Also optional are diagrams showing design process and intentions.
In addressing the specific issues of the design challenge, submissions will be evaluated on the following:
- Demonstrating they have addressed the objective and program elements.
- The ability to achieve the intended goals as outlined in your Mission Statement.
- Clear and bold, highly visual presentation of the submission.
- The strength of the design ideas.
- The ability to devise an effective solution to a particular design problem.
- Vision, innovation, and creativity.
The winners and honorable mentions of the 5th Annual Ed Bacon Student Competition will be announced at the awards ceremony on Tuesday, 7 December 2010, at the Philadelphia Center for Architecture. Following the ceremony, the winning entries will go on public exhibition.
Cash prizes total $6,000. The distribution will be as follows:
- First Prize: $2,000
- Second Prize: $1,500
- Third Prize: $1,000
- Three Honorable Mentions: $500 each
- The 5th Annual Ed Bacon Student Competition open internationally to students of any discipline at the college or university level.
- Competition entries may be the work of an individual or team and there is no limit to the number of entrants per team. However all participants must be registered students of a college or university during the course of the competition.
- Students must register their intent to submit by Friday, 15 October 2010.
- Entries must be submitted on no more and no less than two 40″×40″ boards. Boards may be mounted on cardboard or foam core. Entries sent from outside the U.S. may also be submitted rolled in secured tubing (i.e., un-mounted).
- The names of participants or their schools must not appear on the front of any board. An unsealed envelope holding a copy of the completed submission form must be affixed to the back of each board. All boards should be numbered on the back in the order in which they should be viewed (i.e., 1 of 2, 2 of 2).
- Entries may be either originals or high-quality reproductions. If original drawings are submitted, please make sure that adequate reproductions are made before submission, as entries will not be returned.
- There is no limit on the number of members per entering team; however, each winning team will be limited to a maximum $1,000 travel budget for transportation and lodging to the awards ceremony. This funding will be dispersed at the discretion of the Philadelphia Center for Architecture, based on reasonable travel cost estimates.
How to enter?
Preregister on the competition’s official website. Then download and fill-in the submission form and mail it together with the required materials (see Objective) to:
Designing the Fair of the Futurec/o The Philadelphia Center for Architecture
1218 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Entries must be received (not postmarked) by 2 November 2010.
For more information, please contact