The Walk DVRC International Design Competition is seeking visions for Hong Kong’s new Central Business District and a more walkable, pedestrian environment on a 1.4 km stretch of Des Voeux Road Central.
It is an idea-based contest to re-envision and re-engage the street as quality public space – a placemaking effort in a vehicle-choked urban street.
The five Finalists will be given US$20,000 each for use on production of their entries. These entries, submitted digitally, should take the form of a maximum of 4 A0 boards and may also be accompanied by animation/video.
Each submission should address the following principles:
- Provide for an attractive, accessible and functional public open space that supports walkability and pedestrianisation to stimulate economic and social vibrancy
- Facilitate a strong synergy between the trams and the public environment
- Provide a range of green corridors, street trees and landscape treatments that reduce the effects of pollution, provide shade and enhance the walking experience
- Ensure that footpaths and public spaces are accessible and sufficiently safe
- Encourage use of public transportation (disincentives for private cars and taxis)
- Integrate opportunities for cultural, creative and artistic expressions
The competition is international and open, but not limited, to architecture, landscape architecture, urban design and planning, transport planning, sustainable design and community consultation practitioners and students.