The United Nations declared 2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity.
In this framework, on October Kaleidoscienza organizes a one-day-event to promote thoughts and ideas on topics concerning the role of biodiversity in our lives.
Kaleidoscienza, in collaboration with Graphicplayers, announce an open call for the international exhibition: ‘2010 Bio-Graphics’.
The call ‘2010 Bio-Graphics’ is open to graphic designers, professional or not, of any age and nationality. Participants are invited to submit their work dealing with the call topic in the form of a poster.
Submit poster designs on the following topic.
Imagine a future scenario in which biodiversity will be a focal value of society. Rediscovering traditions, connected to family and country habits, to people’s common sense, to the value of sharing, and to the singularity of local areas (composed by human communities and environment) can be regarded as a tool for preserving biodiversity. The technological progress of the future society will enable mankind to recover traditions of past generations.
Unlike what is happening in the last few decades, with reckless consumerism endangering our environment, the integration of technology and traditions will promote the respect of natural environment.
The most valuable works will be selected and exhibited during the one-day-event on biodiversity organized by Kaleidoscienza cultural association.
- The contest is free and open to everyone from all over the world, at any age.
- You are allowed to send up to 5 artworks, made by any kind of technique of visual art.
- File JPEG (maximum quality), RGB, vertical orientation cm 50×70 at 150dpi (2953×4134 pixel), maximum file size smaller than 8 MB.
- Only manifestos focusing on the topic of the contest are accepted.
- Participating at the competition implies the acceptance of the terms and conditions of this contest.
How to enter?
The artworks must be sent via e-mail to: graphicplayers [at] (please replace [at] with @).
You must attach:
- subscription form filled with your personal data and a short description of your poster’s concept
- your poster in JPEG format (see the requirements above)