The Voies Off Festival has recently opened the 2015 call for submissions – open to emerging photographers around the world and their best work.
Voies Off offers an alternative approach to emerging contemporary photography, its particularities, its evolutions, and its areas of resistance.
Every July, the Voies Off prize is awarded by a jury of renowned professionals to an artist for the clarity of his/her vision and the high quality of his/her work. The current amount of the prize is 2,500 Euro.
Year after year, the selected themes have met the evolutions of our contemporary world with a critical eye. Over twenty different nationalities are represented at each Voies Off festival.
Every year around sixty candidates are selected for the program of the night projections. The Voies Off night projections during the opening week of the Rencontres d’Arles festival have become an international reference for the discovery of emerging authors and the alternative venue that it creates for international photographic creation.
Eligible for the Prizes of the Voies Off festival are: all amateur or professional photographers, artists, associations, collectives, groups, galleries, agencies, or schools… using photography as their medium.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Voies Off festival.
2015 Voies Off Festival Registration Fee
The registration fee is 30 Euro and includes a membership in the Voies Off Association until 31 December 2015.