Biomimicry Institute has recently opened registration for its 2016 Biomimicry Global Design Challenge, themed “Food Systems” for the second time.
Students and professionals around the world are challenged to develop a biomimetic design that solves an important food system challenge while supporting the health of our planet.
The Biomimicry Global Design Challenge offers a $100,000 “Ray of Hope” Prize, awarded through a special Accelerator Program to the best of finalists teams. Other cash prize of up to $33,000 (US) will also be awarded, $9,500 will be reserved for Students.
Submitted entries must:
- Identify and solve a specific problem within the food system.
- Intentionally emulate one or more mechanisms, processes, patterns, or systems found in nature.
- Enhance the sustainability of the food system, whether from an environmental, social, or economic perspective—or ideally all three.
Individual entries will not be accepted, as this is a competition based on teams of 2 to 8 persons. Each team may submit only one entry.
Biomimicry Global Design Challenge 2016 Submission Fees
- Early bird rate (by 31 March 2016): Student $40, Open $100.
- Standard rate: Student $50, Open $120