The 4th Green-Go Short Film annual competition is currently open for submissions and seeking for films of up to 4 minutes.
CEEweb for Biodiversity has been organizing Green-Go short film contest since 2011. With four years in a row of different green topics and more than 300 shorts received world-wide, the organizers now target people to send short films on natural solutions to climate change, sustainable farming and benefits of nature.
One award in each competition category plus one ‘Public-award’ will be awarded as a result of the competition. Prizes are monetary.
The three competition categories are:
- Nature works for us
- Feeding the world sustainably – Celebrating the International Year of Family Farming
- Fighting climate change and disasters with natural solutions
Submitted short films should be either campaign films with maximum of 60 seconds or short films between 60 seconds and 4 minutes. They can be made in any genre — cartoon, animation, puppet film, documentary, interviews, etc.
The organisers of Green-Go Short Film Contest are waiting for your creative/shocking/funny/explicit eye-opener short films.