The 8th World Festival of Animated Film Varna 2012 is currently open for entries. Short and feature animated films, completed after 1 January 2010 are eligible for submission. The Festival will give out 8 awards to the best animations, including big cash prizes to their creators.
The World Festival of Animated Film (WFAF) is held every year in Varna. The Festival is organized by the World Festival of Animated Film Association and the Varna Festival Center with the support of the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture, Bulgarian National Film Center and the Municipality of Varna.
The 8th World Festival of Animated Film Varna 2012 is Calling for New Short + Feature Animated Films
In 2011 was restored a tradition in the Bulgarian animation cinema – after a twenty two year long absence, the 8th World Festival of Animated Film took place once again in Varna. In this first edition of the reborn festival, the audience was introduced to the work of many celebrated foreign and Bulgarian animators. More than 300 films from all over the world were shown and the visitors were able to participate in the creative workshops that took place during the festival days.
The official languages of the Festival are Bulgarian and English.
In 2012, films will compete in the following categories:
- Short films
- Feature films
- Children’s films
- TV series
- Student’s films
The Festival will present the following official awards:
- Grand Prix, including a €5,000 cash prize
- Varna Municipality Award, including a €3,000 cash prize
- Best Short Film Award, including a €2,500 cash prize
- Best Feature Film Award, including a €2,500 cash prize
- Best TV Series Award, including a €2,500 cash prize
- Best Children Film Award, including a €2,500 cash prize
- Best Graduation Film Award, including a €2,500 cash prize
- Best Animated Comedy Film in the name of “Donyo Donev”