Apache Storm, the free and open source distributed realtime computation system, is seeking for an official logo and currently calling for entries in its logo design contest. All creatives around the world are invited to submit their designs.
The winning artist will be credited on the Apache Storm website as having designed the logo, and may include a link to her/his website or blog.
For those of you who don’t already know, Apache Storm is a platform for distributed, fault-tolerant, real-time computation that has been undergoing incubation at the Apache Software Foundation since 18 September 2013. Apache is a volunteer organization that has curated many free, open source software projects. If you’ve used the internet, you’ve used Apache software.
So, this is your chance to help establish the Apache Storm brand by submitting a proposal for the Apache Storm logo.
While the organizers can’t offer a monetary prize, the contest winner will have the opportunity to showcase their design in a dedicated “About the Logo” section of the Storm website.