The Creative Tap was founded by the designers at Baigent Digital to offer a platform for young, budding creatives, like you, to kickstart their careers into the world of digital design.
The Creative Tap is a new annual award scheme to celebrate excellence in digital creative.
Respond to a digital brief from UNICEF UK and you could win an internship as a designer and a reference from Baigent Digital’s Creative Director amongst other prizes.
UNICEF UK would like entrants to create an online flash banner to support their Street Children campaign.
- Design a flash banner storyboard for a digital campaign concept.
- The flash banner will be a 728 x 90, above the fold, display ad (please see template for dimensions).
- You must include the UNICEF logo (please see UNICEF brand guidelines and logo which are included in the submission pack).
- The final frame on the storyboard must include a donate button.
- You can be as creative and as abstract as you like.
- Designs, whether hand-drawn or digitally rendered, should be created with the final use for a flash banner in mind.
Due to the nature of the organisation, UNICEF appeals to a wide demographic including parents and grandparents, committed health professionals and teachers, working professionals and even young children whose efforts are strongly committed to supporting UNICEF’s work. People trust UNICEF and are inspired to support their work through donation.
What are the judges looking for?
- Fresh ideas. Find innovative ways to attract new supporters and engage existing ones.
- Call-to-action. Ultimately, this flash banner will need to prompt people to donate so it needs to have a bold message.
- Tell stories. Often, good fundraising campaigns tell the stories of real people through text and images, from UNICEF’s team out in the field, to the children and families that benefit from UNICEF’s important work.
- High impact. With an average of eight seconds to impress a website user, the designs and messages you include in the banner concept need to be simple, clear and effective.
The winner will get:
- A two month internship at Baigent Digital working as a designer,
- A letter of recognition from a leading UK charity,
- A reference from Baigent Digital’s Creative Director,
- A brand new iPod Touch,
- Your digital concept will be presented to the charity for possible implementation.
Shortlisted entries will be showcased at the Creative Tap Award ceremony on 11 February 2011.
- You must be currently studying any art or design course at a UK university or higher education establishment with a valid NUS card as proof of identity to enter the Creative Tap.
- You must communicate the designs in a storyboard on 1 page of A3 paper or an A3 board (297mm x 420mm).
- Entries received by Creative Tap before 1st November and after 30th November 2010 will not be considered.
- Entrants must fill in and attach a paper version of the About Me document to their entry (included in the submission pack) in order to be eligible.
- Entries can be hand-drawn or painted. Please ensure hand-drawn entries are of a finished standard.
- Please ensure that all postage and carriage costs are fully covered as entries where postage has not been paid will be returned to sender.
How to enter?
- Email submission:
Digital file supplied, along with the completed About Me document to: creativetap [at] (please replace [at] with @).
Please submit a digital A3 sized storyboard as a JPEG or PDF. Other digital formats that are submitted will not be considered eligible.
Please ensure your digital file is no larger than 5mb.
- Postal submission:
A3 paper or board, along with the completed About Me document (included in the submission pack) sent to:
Creative Tap
Baigent Digital
48 Church St