The Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw, in cooperation with Academy of Art in Szczecin and Dydo Gallery in Kraków, is hosting the FOR/AGAINST (ZA/PRZECIW) international poster competition for students and recent graduates.
Create a poster showcasing an issue or a phenomenon that is important to you. Show the world what you believe brings a positive change or what you would like to criticise and improve. Your poster can show your support and appreciation for a cause but it can also be a protest.
An international jury will select 50 best posters from all correctly submitted applications. The selected works will be presented during four post-competition exhibitions in Kraków, Szczecin, Olsztyn and Łódź in Poland.
The finalists of the competition will receive the relevant certificates.
Universal access to numerous sources of information and multiple communication tools means that anyone can comment on any issue, phenomenon or problem from anywhere in the world. Everyone can mark their presence in this local-global community by engaging with any issue even if just by expressing their opinion, support or opposition. FOR/AGAINST (ZA/PRZECIW) are contradictory expressions which illustrate the bipolarity of the world and its divisions but also showcase the freedom of choice. Through this bipolarity FOR/AGAINST does not impose a positive or a negative meaning. The main goal of the project is to analyze the current social discussions and to compare the different perspectives on current issues.
The competition is open for students and recent graduates who have completed their studies in the last 5 years.
Each participant can submit up to three different posters.
The FOR/AGAINST (ZA/PRZECIW) competition is an accompanying event to the 27th Poster Biennale in Warsaw 2020.