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Ghana Innovation Farm – Young Architects Competitions

YAC (Young Architects Competitions) — in cooperation with Manni Group — has launched the Ghana Innovation Farm, a competition which invites architects to design a technological and cultural hub in Ghana that will address the global challenges of food supply chains.

YAC aims to promote contemporary projects that embody a temporal and personal approach to architectural space. Idea is the keyword, Architecture is the answer and project is the medium through which intuition transforms into concrete reality.

A total of 20,000 Euro will be awarded in cash prizes. The first prize is 10,000 Euro, the second prize — 4,000 Euro and the third prize — 2,000 Euro.

Details about the Ghana Innovation Farm competition brief are available on the official website.

Some paradoxes are particularly painful.

There is much talk of space race, rapid and relentless consumption of resources. Many people have too much, far beyond what is necessary. Yet, in numerous places of the world, people are still suffering from hunger.

There are no simple solutions to the gaps that have always affected human society. Still, what is certain is that often poverty is not caused by insufficient natural resources.

One third of the population of the Global South practices agriculture in contexts that are highly suited to such activity. Yet, despite a favorable climate and right soil conditions, it is precisely these peoples that obtain less value from the agri-food supply chain. This is because often the main causes of vulnerability are not natural but infrastructural.

In order to guarantee sufficient nutriment, both production aspects and the possibility to preserve food or food resources play a crucial role.

Participants can be students, graduates, freelance architects even when they be- long to a team. It is not mandatory to be experts of architectural disciplines or members of architectural associations.

Joining the competition is possible either individually or with a team.

Ghana Innovation Farm – Registration Fees

  • Early bird registration: 65 Euro – until 21 November 2021
  • Standard registration: 85 Euro – from 22 November to 19 December, 2021
  • Late registration: 115 Euro – from 20 December 2021 to 16 January 2022