Pro Carton Student Video Award, the European video storytelling competition about cartons & cartonboard is open for entries for 2022.
All students enrolled at a European school/university on a recognized full-time educational course at the time of entry are welcome to join the contest. Students can enter as a team of up to 4 people or individually.
The video should promote or explain one or more of the benefits of cartons/cartonboard in a creative way and there’s €5,000 to be won.
Submitted videos should, in a creative way, promote or explain the benefits of cartons/cartonboard. They could be specifically about one or more features of cartons/cartonboard or may have a wider environmental message (for example, to encourage recycling of cartons/cartonboard products within or out of home).
Videos should be in English, between 15 seconds and 2 minutes in length (live-action, animated, stop motion, etc.). They should be entertaining, communicate a clear message or proposition and be suitable for various social media channels, presentations, events, websites or even commercials.
The competition is open to all European students but will particularly be of interest to those studying business, marketing and communications, media, film-making, audio-visual or similar courses. They must be studying on a recognized full-time educational course at the time of entry.
If the situation allows, the winner(s) will be invited to the Pro Carton Award Gala in September 2022. Travel expenses and accommodation will all be borne by Pro Carton.