International Compost Awareness Week’s Committee invites you to get involved in ICAW 2022 and participate in the Annual Poster Contest from 1st September 2021.
The ICAW 2022 Poster Contest theme is: Recipe for Regeneration: Compost.
The successful poster winner will receive a $500 prize and the winning poster will be used to promote International Compost Awareness Week 2022 which will be held 1-7 May, 2022.
Details about the theme for 2022 are available on the official website:
For 2022, the new theme is Recipe for Regeneration: Compost. The theme highlights the overall regenerative agriculture movement and how compost and organics recycling fit into that process. Regenerative agriculture is a system that focuses on improving soil health using agricultural practices with the idea that healthier soil will lead to healthier, more nutrient-rich crops and, ultimately, less carbon in the atmosphere through increased carbon sequestration. Where does compost and organics recycling fit in? Compost, when added to farmland, gardens, yards, and other landscapes creates healthier soil and crops by providing food for soil microbes in the ground. These microbes enrich the quality of the soil while also sequestering carbon in the soil through photosynthesis, a tool for combating climate change. Just as a chef pulls together the best ingredients to create the perfect recipe, the 2022 theme, Recipe for Regeneration: Compost, focuses on the crucial role recycling our food scraps and yard trimmings plays by creating compost, which when added to soil results in a recipe that makes our food more nutritious, the air we breathe cleaner and our climate healthier overall.
The concept and images of the poster should be based on the benefits of compost. Compost is the focus of the contest. The judges will especially look for images that demonstrate that organic materials are a key component to healthy soils and for keeping soils and the environment healthy in the future. When creating your poster, please remember that the winning poster will be reproduced and distributed. The Compost Research & Education Foundation’s logo, along with sponsor logos, will be added to the poster below the winning image. Do not add any logos to your design.
ICAW 2022 is open to anyone 9th grade (14+) or older from anywhere in the world. Entries are limited to one submission per artist.
Please visit the official website for further info.