The ML in PL Association is hosting The Future Will Be Better Tomorrow – AI Art Competition and Exposition. It invites all artists and AI enthusiasts to participate.
This competition aims to showcase how AI models can be powerful tools in the artistic process and to explore your perspectives on the future of AI.
ML in PL: AI Art Festival will be a three-day event in Poland, dedicated to explore the intersection of art and Artificial Intelligence, accompanied by the AI Art competition. The selected artworks will be exhibited at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and some of them awarded with prizes.
Details about this year’s competition topic are available on the official website.
Most economists assume that technology, like GDP, grows by a fixed yearly percentage. According to this thesis, our lives will become more advanced and interconnected each year, but only gradually, leaving us ample time to absorb these changes.
This point of view is now under intense scrutiny. The arrival of ChatGPT, whose own authors believed it was an incremental update of not much consequence, has – at the very least – made a huge impression around the world. People, businesses and institutions are now busily readying themselves for the apparent tidal wave of technological and economic growth. Serious people now talk of technological singularity – technological progress so extreme it effectively causes our entire knowledge about the world to become invalid, similarly to how usual laws of physics become invalid around a black hole, another kind of singularity.
When moving towards a black hole, we undergo spaghettification, the stretching and thinning of our bodies into long, spaghetti-like shapes. On Earth in 2024, our lives have not yet changed this much, but we might reasonably worry about the overall shape of things. In just the past few years, the world seems to have become much weirder and less predictable. From COVID-19, through the war in Ukraine, and the current AI boom, there seems to have been many more surprises than there have been in the decades before. This “Great Weirding”, as it has been called, does not seem to be stopping any time soon. Catching our breath, we would like to orient ourselves around the new situation and ask: What will come next?
There are three Main Festival Prizes and a Student Prize for 2024:
- 1st Place: 5,000 PLN
- 2st Place: 3,000 PLN
- 3st Place: 1,000 PLN
- Student Prize: 1,000 PLN, awarded to the best work selected by the students of the Academy of Fine Arts.
The AI Art Festival will be held in parallel with ML in PL 2024 – the largest AI conference in Central and Eastern Europe starting in 2017. The organizers plan lectures with invited artists from Europe and workshops on using AI in the creative process.
Please find the complete details on the official website.
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