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Opportunity Space – Van Alen Institute’s Design Competition

New York-based Van Alen Institute invites you to submit to Opportunity Space: an international design-build competition.

The challenge is to create a temporary physical structure that will house programs to foster economic opportunity and social inclusion in Malmö, Sweden.

The winning team will receive a $10,000 prize, a $5,000 travel budget, and up to $25,000 to implement their proposal in and around Malmö’s Enskifteshagen Park.

Opportunity Space is the first in a new Van Alen Institute series of Flash Competitions: challenges that bring together multidisciplinary teams of designers and other experts for short, intense projects in cities around the world to take on urgent societal issues through design.

The organizers invite multidisciplinary teams to create a mobile physical structure that makes education, social inclusion and job assistance resources more visible and accessible to job seekers and the general public.

To register and learn more about the competition, please visit the official website.