Now in its 20th year, the Pastel 100 – annual International Painting Competition of the Pastel Journal magazine, is open for entries for 2018.
The Competition offers cash, prizes and publicity to its talented winners and is open to artists from any part of the world, older than 16.
The two top prizes include $7,500, from which $5,000 are reserved for the First Prize winner. All top prize winners and place winners will be featured in the April 2019 issue of the Pastel Journal magazine.
Additionally, twenty-five (25) category prizes will be awarded to the first five winning works in each category.
Entries can be submitted in the following competition categories:
- Landscape + Interior
- Portrait + Figure
- Still Life + Floral
- Animal + Wildlife
- Abstract + Non-Objective
The early-bird deadline is 11:59 pm EST 6th August 2018. The deadline we list here on Contest Watchers is the regular one.
All winners will be notified by 31st October 2018.
Pastel Journal, the host of the Pastel 100 competition is America’s leading magazine devoted to pastel artists.
Pastel 100 – 2018 Competition Entry Fees
All early-bird entries cost $30 per image and can be submitted until 3rd August 2015. The regular entry fee is $35 per image.