The call for entries of the 6th International Festival of Photography PhotoVisa is open and the 2014 theme is set to “What’s Important and Precious to Me”.
Photographs and multimedia projects created not earlier than 2011 by photographers of any age or nationality are accepted. The theme can be presented by works created with both analogue and digital media, including manipulation of the photographic image.
The contest is held in three (3) nominations: Photograph, Photoseries, Multimedia Project (photoclip).
Here is what the Festival theme is about:
A human being is a two-sided creature: social and hidden at the same time, with different joys and memories kept privately. These precious and priceless things which are kept in the memory and for the sake of which the future is being built are own to each – to artists, photographers or viewers.
The finalists and winners’ exhibition and the special multimedia show will take place in the framework of the PhotoVisa 2014. Works will be published in the Festival catalog and at the Festival’s website.
The winners in each nomination receive prizes from general partner of the contest – Nikon: Camera Nikon 1 V3 – for the first place, сamera CoolPix P7800 for the second place and camera CoolPix P340 for the third place.