The Poster for Tomorrow 2017 poster design competition was recently announced and themed “Freedom Of Movement“, with the intention to refocus the debate around immigration to what lies at its heart: people.
The competition is open for previously unpublished poster designs in the portrait (vertical) format and designers are encouraged to express themselves freely in their mother tongue.
The best 100 posters will become part of a worldwide exhibition, scheduled to open on 10th December 2017.
The preselection of 400 posters will be made by a team of 100 persons (50 man and 50 women) ten (10) days after the competition deadline expires. Then, eight (8) to twelve (12) internationally acclaimed designers will be invited to select the 100 best posters.
Each participant or team of participants can submit up to 10 posters.
Poster for Tomorrow is a project of the 4 Tomorrow Association — an independent, non-profit organization whose goal is to encourage people, both in and outside the design community, to make posters to stimulate debate on issues that affect us all.