The Aftermath Project will provide a $20,000 grant for one conflict photographer and a special $5,000 honorarium for a fixer or translator, who has worked with a conflict photographer, and who wants to tell a story (written or visual) about their own aftermath experience.
This is a very open and fluid call for proposals on this subject, and the Aftermath Project welcomes any and all approaches.
The Aftermath Project is very interested in supporting a dialogue about this kind of aftermath – both for the photographer who wins the grant, and for the broader audience who we hope will engage with the work when the grant winner’s year is finished.
Target Group
The Aftermath Project is able to offer this year-long grant to conflict photographers who want to pursue a project about the aftermath in their own lives of covering conflict.
All conflict photographers are eligible to apply.
The subject can be approached in any way – portraits, landscapes, reportage, collaboration with a family of someone who has been killed, anything that explores the personal aftermath of covering war, whether that be PTSD, the aftermath of sexual assault, the aftermath of being wounded.
Grant Value
The Aftermath Project will provide a $20,000 grant for one conflict photographer and a special $5,000 honorarium for a fixer or translator, who has worked with a conflict photographer, and who wants to tell a story (written or visual) about their own aftermath experience.
One important note: if a conflict photographer and a fixer/translator wish to apply together, they will be eligible for the combined sums of $25,000.
- Winners retain all copyrights to their works.
- Grant winner agrees to give 12 prints, chosen by the grant winner in collaboration with The Aftermath Project, for our archives at project completion. Prints must be 16×20 inches or larger.
- Grant winner agrees to allow The Aftermath Project to use 30 to 50 images from his/her work for inclusion in “War is Only Half the Story, Vol 6” or a similar publication, and/or in commercial publications of anniversary retrospectives of the Aftermath Project.
- Honorarium winner agrees to allow the Aftermath Project to publish his/her story in “War is Only Half the Story, Vol 6” or a similar publication and/or in commercial publications of anniversary retrospectives of the Aftermath Project.
Submit your applications by email to sara [at] (please replace [at] with @) by 1 October 2011.
Your application should consist of a signed application form and additional application materials.