Holland Animation Film Festival (HAFF) 2013 – an international festival for animated film, founded in 1985 and since 2009 an annual event – is currently accepting entries for its four competitions, open for international, European and Dutch feature and short animated films.
Selected films will be screened during the next year’s festival and Grand prize winners will be announced in all four competition.
On 20-24 March 2013 the sixteenth international Holland Animation Film Festival will be held in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
The 16th international Holland Animation Film Festival (HAFF) is Calling for Entries
The festival aims at bringing high-quality animation films to the attention of an adult audience, as well as stimulating screening of these films in cinemas and on television. It plans to achieve this goal by screening different types of animation, by organizing competitions and raising publicity for the medium.
The Holland Animation Film Festival Foundation organizes the following competitions for 2013:
- international competition features
The competition is open for all animated films over sixty minutes. A Grand Prize will be appointed to the best feature animation. - international competition shorts (categories: narrative and non-narrative)
An international competition for short animation films with a maximum length of 60 minutes. The competition is open for all independently produced shorts and television specials or authors animation. - European competition student films
The competition for short European student films is open for all European student films with a maximum length of 60 minutes. - competition Dutch Animation only (open only for Dutch productions)
The competition Dutch animation is open for all Dutch animated film productions such as commercials, promotional films, music videos, educational or information films, film or television leaders, television films, episodes from television series, independently produced films, student films, broadcast design and industrial films.
The competitions are open for films that had their premiere after 1 January 2012.
For more details, please visit the official website.