The Trieste Contemporanea Committee announces the 13th edition of the International Design Contest Trieste Contemporanea with the aim of showcasing the most original design offerings from the countries of Central Eastern Europe.
Trieste Contemporanea 2018 offers 4 main prizes and a total of 9,000 Euro, of which 4,000 Euro are reserved for the best design in the competition.
The 2018 edition of the contest will be based on the ongoing two-year project Harbour for Cultures (H/C). H/C draws inspiration from the real case history of how to convert and reuse the area of the Porto Vecchio (old port) of Trieste, which has remained unused and in a state of decay for decades.
H/C is an incubator where creative minds of art curators, artists and thinkers from other disciplines re-interpret the usual functions of a port in view of shaping an image of a “new port”, with its interim state between arriving, belonging and leaving, where people freely exchange their own cultures (instead of goods), while assuring their values (a new idea of insurance…) so that new profits (benefits of art and culture) are earned by the many.
The competition is open to all designers born in CEI member states (Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine) in compliance with its purposes. The 2018 edition of the contest has been extended to designers born in Estonia, Germany, Kosovo*, Latvia, Lithuania and Turkey as well.
Each contestant can enter only a single project, unless entering one for the general theme of the competition and a separate one for the Trieste Award’s dedicated theme.
The awards ceremony will take place in Trieste, Italy during the period September-November 2018. The winning designers will be invited to travel to Trieste at the organizing Committee’s expense in order to collect their prize.
‘Trieste Contemporanea. Dialogues with the Art of Central Eastern Europe’ is a committee created in June 1995 with the objective of bringing out the role of Trieste as a hinge between Western Europe, the countries of Eastern Europe and the countries of the Mediterranean area for the creation of an observatory on the contemporary situation of art and culture in Central-Eastern Europe.