Art and science are moving towards one another, discovering common issues and working methods. The creative, imaginative processes in the arts and sciences are similar, whereas the concrete realisation of their results tends to differ. Repeatedly, this difference is the source of productive tension and areas of friction. In all disciplines of the arts and sciences, further developments over recent decades have been characterised by mutual influences and efforts at differentiation. Today, traditional dividing lines between the spheres can no longer be maintained; they are being newly defined and presented in their permeability.
This competition aims to give the impetus and opportunity to artists (fine art, media, architecture, design, music, theatre, visual communication etc.) and scientists to work between the priorities of the arts or between the arts and science.
Individuals and groups are eligible to participate.
The UdK Berlin is one of the biggest, most traditional institutions of advanced artistic education in the world. It has the right to award doctorates and post-doctoral lecturing qualifications and offers more than 40 study courses covering the full spectrum of the arts and related academic fields. With its Colleges of Fine Art, Design, Music and Performing Arts and the Central Institute of Continuing Education it is one of the few centres of advanced art education in Germany with university status.
Submit your artistic (fine art, media, architecture, design, music, theatre, visual communication etc.) or scientific works to the competition.
The prize will be awarded on a biennial basis and is endowed with €7,500. It can be divided among a max. of 3 artists/scientists or groups.
- Individuals and groups are eligible to participate. The following are excluded:
- full-time employees of the UdK Berlin
- the members of the jury and their representatives
- students of the UdK Berlin and other colleges/universities
- The organizers expect innovative work that has not yet received any prize or award.
- In the event of winning, participants give their consent to the publication of their identity and the prize-winning work for press purposes and in a book publication by the UdK Berlin.
- The prize-winner(s) are obliged to attend the award ceremony during the UdK Berlin’s summer festival on Thursday, 15 July 2010.
- Entries may be submitted in either German or English.
- Only one work may be submitted by each participant/group.
- It is not necessary to submit the original of the work; reproductions documenting the work adequately will be accepted.
- The submission of long scientific or literary works should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 3 pages.
- Photographs and illustrations of artworks (excepting media art, see also point g) are not acceptable on CD-Rom or DVD, but should be submitted as photo, slide or paper print (max. 420 x 300 mm (A 3)).
- The entry form, professional biography and description of the work should be submitted in paper form, separate from the work (but in the same item of postage, please).
- Only one media form may be selected for the documentation of the work (e. g. please do not submit the same work as VHS and CD-Rom etc.).
- The media must be marked with the length of play and the title of the competition entry. The data storage medium may contain only one entry to the competition. This must be clearly identified and should be easy to distinguish from operating and system files.
Please download UdK Award Announcement 2010 for further details.
How to enter?
Entries must be submitted together with a paper of motivation (see page 4), typewritten, max. one page, in which the concept and the innovative, multidisciplinary aspects of the work are elucidated.
Entries should also be accompanied by a biography with evidence of professional, artistic or scientific/academic work (exhibitions, awards, performances, cooperations, teaching experience, readings, prizes, publications, grants, competitions, conferences).
Send your entries to the following address:
Universität der Künste BerlinUdK-Preis
Postfach 12 05 44
10595 Berlin