TAM-TAM Institute, in cooperation with the Društvo SOS telefon society, announces the 11th International Plaktivat Competition for a city poster design on the topic of “No Excuse”.
The competition addresses the issue of violence against women. It is open to all creators, individuals as well as agencies and companies, who want to help create our common living environment.
The winning poster will be printed and published on 500 TAM-TAM city posters across Slovenia, and it will be automatically entered in the competitions of the Slovenian Advertising Festival SOF and the Brumen biennial of Slovenian Design.
The winner receives Plaktivat’s MEGAFON and a winning plaque.
Violence against women is one of the most widespread and hidden forms of human rights’ violations. It is grounded in unequal social relations between the genders, stems from the unfair distribution of personal and social authority between the genders, and arises from cultural environments and education systems. Violent behavior is most often taught and passed from generation to generation. While women suffer different forms of violence, this communicative action focuses on partner violence.
Every one in two women falls victim to psychological violence and every one in four women to physical violence. The violence occurs behind closed doors; furthermore, women often hide the existence of violence in the family. The main reasons for this are fear, shame, feelings of guilt, economic dependency, and the assigning of great value to the image of “the perfect family”. Often, they simply have nowhere to go, or fail to see or recognize the option to do so.
Most often the turning point is reached, when a woman realizes her struggle to preserve her relationship with the instigator of violence works to her own detriment and/or the detriment of her children. At this point she seeks out help outside the relationship, demanding a right to her own life, and finally ends the relationship. This is often her only chance to lead a regular life without future violence and to stop the pattern of violent behavior from being passed to the children.
The most widespread form of violence against women is psychological violence. It starts with possessive and controlling behavior and manipulation, followed by insults, yelling, and threats.
Psychological violence often evolves into physical violence, which typically gradually increases. Some of the actions, which fall under the heading of physical violence are: slapping, beating, kicking, boxing, thrusting, hair pulling etc.
The 11th Plaktivat Poster Design Competition gives you a chance to help reduce the number of victims of partner violence and to raise the general public’s awareness of the unacceptability of any form of violence against women.
Results will be published in the middle of November 2018.