The Linux Foundation is inviting everyone to take part in its annual t-shirt design contest, which the Foundation is hosting third time in a row. This year’s theme is “Inspired by Linux”.
The creator of the winning design will be invited to take part in LinuxCon North America or LinuxCon Europe – the leading annual technical conferences, providing a much needed collaboration and education space for the Linux community.
The winning design will be sold in The Linux Foundation online store and the proceeds will go to support Linux and The Linux Foundation.
Design the 2012 Linux Foundation’s Official T-shirt
The design can depict literally or figuratively the events or ideas that get you pumped up for Linux. Let Linux be your muse. You’ll also need to describe how Linux inspires you and explain the inspiration behind the design.
Anyone 18 years of age or older is eligible to design and enter.
The Linux Foundation staff will choose the top 5-7 submissions from designs received by the deadline, based on artistic quality, creativity, originality, adherence to the Contest theme and adherence to these rules. The community, (i.e., registered members of, will then vote on the finalists to choose two winners. In the unlikely event of a tie, the winner will be decided by a committee of respected community members.
The first place winner will receive $2,000 to be applied toward airfare, hotel and admissions to their choice of LinuxCon North America in San Diego, CA on 26 – 29 Aug. 2012, or LinuxCon Europe in Barcelona, Spain 5-7 Nov. 2012.
Second place will receive $1,000 toward LinuxCon North America or LinuxCon Europe in 2012.
More info is available on the official website, so make sure you visit.