Bio:Fiction is an international short fiction, documentary and animation film competition.
Share your cinematic visions of a future bio-tech society and take part in the film competition, the art exhibiton or the discussion panels at the Festival.
Shoot your own vision of the future, send your film or arts project.
Submit short narration and fiction films to the festival.
These types of films are accepted:
- extremely short (<3min)
- shortfilm (3 – 15min)
- documentary films of any duration
- animated film (up ot 15min)
Experimental films/videos are also accepted. If the piece of film/video art might not fit into screenings, it will be considered for a possible video installation.
All submissions are discussed in open and internal screenings and are evaluated using objective and subjective criteria.
The following awards will be given to the best entries:
- Bio:Fiction Award – Short Fiction
- Bio:Fiction Award – Documentary Film
- Bio:Fiction Award – Animation
- Online-Audience Award
- Special Award of the Jury
All selected films will be shown at Bio:Fiction Film & Art Festival 2010 in Vienna on the 13th-14th of May 2011.
- All formats other than DVD (Pal/NTSC), (Mini)DV(Cam) (Pal), HDV, DVCPro25 (Pal) are a matter of negotiation.
- The film should be either in English, German or at least subtitled in one of these languages.
- You can enter films/videos that were shown on other festivals.
How to enter?
Submit preview copy, signed and readable entry form, short synopsis, if at hand: biography and filmography of the author, CD or floppy with stills.
Send your applications to:
IDCBio:Fiction Film & Art Festival
Kaiserstrasse 50/6A-1070 – Vienna
Österreich / Austria (Europe)