Emerge is the the original graphic design graduate showcase of the London Design Festival.
After an incredibly successful first year with over 1,000 visitors to the emerge exhibition and events and many featured graduates picking up freelance work, internships and even jobs from their involvement in the exhibition, emerge is back to do it all over again!
Emerge will be asking up to 15 graphic design graduates to design a poster to be installed in underground stations around east London. This is an opportunity for maximum exposure, not to be missed!
Submit samples of your design work.
The emerge award is a become a prestigious regular for the London Design Festival and is the new must have accessory for any talented young designer!
Emerge wants to give all 2010 graphic design graduates the chance to be part of emerge, so, alongside the main exhibition in which hand-picked graphic design talent will be showcased, emerge has a show of postcard designs all of which entered will be displayed.
The postcard display is an area of the exhibition where all submitted designs will be displayed. All you have to do is put together a design to the specifications below, including your work and name/contact details and it will be on display at the exhibition.
- To be eligible to enter any part of the emerge exhibition you must be a 2010 degree, MA or FDA graduate from a graphic design related course.
- No other formats than .pdf, .jpeg or .mov, can be accepted.
- Submissions must be less than 2MB.
How to enter?
Entry for emerge couldn’t be easier. All you have to do for this is fill in the entry form on the official website and upload some work samples in .pdf, .jpeg or .mov format. No other formats can be accepted.
Artwork should be supplied in the following format:
- 1024 x 768px
- Screen resolution jpeg (72dpi)
Remember to incorporate your name and contact details!