Circulation(s), the Festival of Young European Photography is currently accepting applications for 2023 and invites all European photographers or photographers living in Europe, without any age limit, to submit their best works.
Each year, at the Centquatre-Paris and satellite sites in France and abroad, Circulation(s) reveals the vitality of young creation and speaks for the diversity of photographic expressions through unique exhibitions and events.
A stepping stone for artists, a prospective and innovative laboratory of contemporary creativity, Circulation(s) has become, over the past 10 years, a must-attend photography event and a trend revelator. Since its inception in 2011, the festival has exhibited over 500 artists and attracted over 300,000 visitors with an ever-growing aspiration to be an approachable event of high standards.
The call for applications targets all European photographers including citizens and residents of Europe, starting their professional career in photography.
There is no theme. It is possible to propose photographic projects that mix formats or involve other media such as video, installation or sound.
Following the call for applications, around twenty photographers will be selected and exhibited within Circulation(s), thus creating an overview of the new generation of European photographers.
The 2023 Circulation(s) festival will take place from 25 March to 21 May, 2023 at the Centquatre-Paris — a multicultural and multidisciplinary community center on the East side of Paris.
CIRCULATION(S) 2023 – Application Fee
From this year on, the call for applications for the Circulation(s) festival opens with an early bird rate, reduced by half compared to the full rate, which is also reduced.
The early bird (29 May — 19 June 2022) application fee is 10 Euro.
The full application fee (from 20 June 2022) is 20 Euro.