Now in its 5th year, the CLUE (Community Lighting for the Urban Environment) International Lighting Design Competition has opened for 2019.
This time the competition is themed: Light and Disruption, and is about exploring the role of light in emergencies.
Projects distinguished by their quality of innovation will be awarded one of the three grants totaling $8,500 and a trip to Light + Building — the world’s leading trade fair for lighting and building services technology, to be held in Frankfurt, Germany 8–13 March, 2020.
The 2019 competition theme is described in details on the official website:
In the modern word, complexity and uncertainty seem ever-present. How do we maintain relative order and a sense of calm? We rely on the power of interconnectivity. When different systems, processes ans people work seamlessly in conjunction with one another, this is when our towns and cities flourish
But what happens when something goes wrong?
Conflict, disruption and environmental changes can leave us vulnerable, but we’re never entirely powerless. This forms the challenge of CLUE edition 05: to explore how light can help to prevent challenging situations and crisis or manage emergencies when they occur. In testing circumstances, how can we unlock the extrordinary potential of light for brighter lives and a better world?
During an incident or emergency, it’s understandable that confusion, disorientation and even panic are likely responses. Thats’ why, in this edition, we are asking young students and professionals to imagine the ways in which lighting can make a difference – big or small
The competition is open worldwide to upcoming professional with five (5) years or less of experience, students, individuals, trainees, or firms, including: industrial designers, architects, engineers, landscape architects, artists, etc. Multidisciplinary teams are also eligible.
The CLUE — International Lighting Competition for students and young professionals is supported by Signify Lighting Academy.