Hiroshima International Animation Festival is a biennial manifestation held in Hiroshima City in August, endorsed by Association Internationale du Film d’Animation (ASIFA). Under the spirit of Love & Peace, the festival has been dedicating to the advancement of visual media art culture in general, by promoting international cross-cultural exchanges through the development of animation art.
The Festival is calling for entries for its 2012 edition, scheduled for 23-27 August, 2012 at Aster Plaza in Hiroshima.
Hiroshima Festival is a comprehensive animation festival featuring several competition programs.
Hiroshima Festival: Promoting Mutual Understanding and Pursuing Eternal World Peace Through the Development of Animation Art
Hiroshima International Animation Festival was established in 1985, as a project commemorating the 40th anniversary of the atomic bombing. From the beginning, Hiroshima City and ASIFA shared a same idea, that is, to promote the international mutual understanding and to pursue eternal world peace through the development of animation art, which is a medium common to all human beings beyond nations and languages.
Hiroshima Festival is a comprehensive animation festival, featuring competition programs to choose the Grand Prix, Hiroshima Prize and other prizes out of many latest animation shorts submitted from around the world. The festival also offers many special programs including retrospectives of masters and talented filmmakers, feature animations, high quality student works, animations for peace, for children, as well as seminars, symposiums, workshops, exhibitions, and educational film market, etc. With its outstanding international programs and administration, the festival is highly recognized not only within animation field but also throughout the media art society.
Here are some of this year’s special programs:
- ASIFA-JAPAN 30th Anniversary Special Program (film show and exhibition)
- Peter Lord Special Program (film show and talk)
- “The Pirates! Band of Misfits” – the latest feature animation by Peter Lord, now in production.
- Jiri Trnka Special Program
- An Homage to Nobuhiro Aihara (film show and exhibition)
- Norway Animation Special Programs
- Contemporary Japanese Animation
- Stars of Students
- Animation for Peace
- Animation for Children
For further info hop to the official website, linked below.