The MakeDox International Creative Documentary Film Festival has opened submissions for 2016 and calling all filmmakers around the world to participate in the Festival’s competition programs.
Documentary films of all running times completed and/or publicly screened after 1 January 2014 are eligible for submission. Topics, style and production technologies are not limited.
Three official awards – Onion Award, Young Onion Award and Onion Seed Award – consisting of an artwork or a statue will be announced in 2016. MakeDox 2016 will keep the Moral Approach Award. Other special awards might also be announced.
The Festival focuses on creating a stimulating environment for the exchange of experience and knowledge of documentary creation and promotion of films with cinematographic quality, offering the creative point of view of an author, both in terms of content as well as in form. Priority is given to national, regional and foreign premieres.
MakeDox is organized by the citizen’s association MakeDox. The 2016 festival will be held in August 2016 in Skopje, Macedonia and as a Traveling Cinema Caravan through 6‐10 Macedonian municipalities during July 2016.