Graphis Poster Awards 2024 Work by Derwyn Goodall, awarded with the Gold award in the Social & Political category of the Graphis Poster Awards 2023 competition Finished
Graphis Design Annual 2016 Competition Google New York - Neon by Graham Hanson Design won the Platinum Award in last year's competition - the Graphis Design Annual 2015. Expired
Graphis Photography Annual 2015 Competition Trimmed version of "Lighting collar" by Ramon Vaquero awarded with the Gold Award in the Graphis Photography Annual 2014 Expired
Graphis New Talent Annual 2015 Competition "Lips", project by Bobbi Dunn awarded with the Gold Award in the Graphis New Talent Annual 2014 competition Expired
Graphis Advertising Annual 2015 Competition Trimmed version of "Dancer", work by STIR, LLC for the United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF), selected as one of the winning entries in the Graphis Advertising Annual 2014 Competition Expired
Graphis Poster Annual 2015 Competition Trimmed version of "Unity is Flexible", a poster by Hoon-Dong Chung submitted in the Graphis Poster Annual 2015 competition, in the category "Political" Expired