Type Directors Club (TDC) is hosting its 64th annual Communication Design Competition and accepting original work by designers worldwide.
Print or Digital Media (single or series) entries which have been produced or published during 2017 are eligible for submission. Professional and Student work is judged separately.
Entries selected by the jury will receive Certificates of Typographic Excellence. They will be exhibited in the 64th TDC Exhibition and appear in Typography 39. The opening of TDC64 will be held in New York City and will be on display during the summer of 2018.
Winners will also be asked to supply eight (8) additional copies of winning entries for use in exhibitions outside New York. These shows travel throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asian countries. Credits of individuals and firms that have contributed to each entry will be included in the exhibitions and in Typography 39.
The TDC64 Communication Design Competition includes the following categories:
- Annual Reports & other Financial Reports
- Books
- Book Jackets/Covers
- Brochures & Direct Mail
- Calendars
- Catalogs
- Identity
- Editorial (Magazine, Newspaper, Newsletter
- Exhibits/Displays/Point-of-Purchase/Signage/ Architectural and Dimensional Design)
- Experimental/Fine Art/Unpublished
- Logos/Trademarks/Symbols
- Miscellaneous (Announcements, Invitations, Cards, Menus, etc.)
- Mixed Series (Print, Digital, Environmental)
- Packaging
- Posters
- Self-Promotion
- T-Shirts/Apparel
- Digital Media (Websites, Apps, eBooks, etc.)
- Movie Titles
- Motion (TV)
- Motion (Online Titles, Episodics, Live Events)
Only winners will be notified the week of 29 January 2018 by email.
The Type Directors Club is the leading international organization, created in 1946 to support excellence in typography, both in print and on screen.
TDC Communication Design Competition 2018 – Entry Fees
Entry fees for TDC Members start from $50 (US) for single entries, $80 (US) for series entries. Higher entry fees apply for Non-members and late fees apply for entries after 10th January 2018.